Working- from- home is the trend these days. This blog post explains the best work from home habits you should practice.
During the Covid-19 pandemic situation, almost all the companies around the world have shifted to the work-from-home method (remote working/ virtual working). Working from home is the new normal.
Since working from home is getting popular & many people prefer it, I thought I would explain some of the best work-from-home habits you should practice.
I have seen many people have questions like, What are the best practices for working remotely? What are the work-from-home best practices for employees? What are the good remote working habits you should practice at home? What are the remote work best practices in 2022?
Well, I am going to give answers to all these questions. For your benefit, I have divided this blog post into two parts : Best work from home habits related to health & Best work from home habits that are general.
First, you can see the best work from home habits related to your mental & physical health. Second, you can see the general best work-from-home habits.
Let’s get started with best work from home habits that are relevant to your physical & mental health.
Best Work-from-home habits
Best Work from Home Habits :Healthy Habits
Following are some home health habits you can practice as a work-from-home employee (remote worker). All of these are some of the best work-from-home habits.
1.Start a healthy diet.
Whether you are working at a physical office or working from home, getting a healthy diet is essential. Since most of the time you will be sitting & working, you should provide healthy foods for your body. And most especially, do not skip your breakfast even though you have early morning meetings.
2.Drink more water.
Drinking more water & keeping hydrated are essential to prevent a lot of health issues. It is a good idea to keep a water bottle in your working area & use it during work. According to your preference, you can drink other drinks as well.
3.Exercise regularly.
Exercising has physical benefits & psychological benefits. Whenever possible, using a standing desk as opposed to a sitting one can aid individuals in avoiding extended periods of inactivity.
And also, you can take a brisk walk around your home or living area. During work, take some time and do some stretching, & other home workouts. It is important to be healthy if you want to live longer. You can refer to YouTube for home workouts because there are lots of workout sessions.

4.Create your home office for optimal posture & comfort.
You can prevent back pain by setting your home office to promote good posture. Your hips & knees should be slightly above the 90-degree angle. The top of the monitor should be below eye level & arm’s length. And also, you can increase the font size to comfort your eyes.
5.Invest some quality time for yourself.
This habit is one of the best work-from-home habits you should practice. Many remote workers forget to practice this healthy work-from-home practice. Even if you have many things to complete, don’t forget to invest some time for yourself.
You can listen to your favourite song, watch your favourite TV show or have a nice bath. Taking care of yourself is necessary to get fresh ideas & work productively.

6.Keep your working space clean & neat.
A person who works in a messy work space will not contribute his maximum to a company. So, it is important to keep a clean & nice working space. This work from home habit is good for your mental health.
Best Work from Home Habits :General Habits
1.Wake up early & start early.
Since you work from home, sometimes you may be able to wake up late. But it is not a good habit to keep doing. Waking up early & starting the day early is one of the best work-from-home habits a remote employee must-have.
And also, you can plan your next day for tonight. This habit is one of my favourite work-from-home habits & I have had good results from it. Normally, I write down the things I have to do tomorrow on the previous day. It helps me to keep track of everything I do.
2.Practice Good Meeting etiquette.
When you work in a physical office with your teammates, it is easy to keep track. You can connect with them face to face & interact with them.
But remote meetings are stressful if the participants do not have good remote meeting etiquette in their work environments. So, companies should follow good remote meeting etiquette.
Following are some remote meeting etiquettes.
a.Switch on your video.
This etiquette is an essential remote meeting etiquette. In physical meetings, participants sit together & interact well. But in a remote meeting, team members connect virtually.
So, it is hard to keep track of everyone. That is why everyone in the meeting should switch on videos.
b.Having good lighting where you sit.
If you are in a workshop or training other people should be able to see you properly. And if you have a video conferencing, it is special that you are visible to others.
So, find a place with proper lighting where your face is visible. Make sure to do this before the meeting. If not you will not be able to get the optimum outcome from your meeting.
c.Make sure to have a good surroundings.
I have seen many people become embarrassed during meetings because of their surroundings. Since we are working from home, our family members, kids & pets are around us & they may disturb our work. Before meetings start, you can find a place where you get minimum disturbance. Make sure to have a good & peaceful working area.
d.Mute your microphone when you are not working.
This etiquette is a must when you are in a remote meeting. Our surroundings have many noises & sounds. So, only unmute yourself when you are talking. Otherwise, remote teams will be uncomfortable.
e.Keep your attention well.
Some people do multi-tasks when they are in a remote meeting. They eat, drink, scroll through social media, cook, do laundry, and more. These are not good meeting etiquette. So, make sure you are not doing this kind of thing when you are in a meeting.
3.Keep a balance between work & personal life.
When we work from home, our personal life & work-life merge into one part. If we worked in a physical office, we only do our duty within working hours. And when we finish, we can go home & relax.
But often people who work from home work even after working hours of their working day. They do not get a chance to relax & continue working.
Well, it is not a good habit to keep with you. First, it will affect your physical health & mental health. Second, you will not be productive at all.
I suggest creating boundaries between your work & personal life for work life balance. Create a timeline to complete your tasks & in between, take breaks & relax your mind & body.
Make something delicious to eat, get about a 30 minutes lunch break, drink some healthy drinks, do some stretches, watch your favourite TV show or go outside to see the beauty of nature. If you care about your mental & physical health, these are the best work habits.
4.Make sure to inform your presence.
When we work at an office, our presence is visible to others. But as a remote worker, you are not visible to other people. Your boss has no idea what you are working on, your teammates have no idea about your working progress & you are isolated.
So, it is critical to inform your presence as a remote worker. This practice is also one of the best work-from-home habits.
a.Inform your to-do list & working progress.
As a good remote working habit, let people know what you are doing. If you are a manager or team leader, you can take meetings every morning to ask your team about their to-do list & working progress. At meetings like these, team members can inform what’s on their plate to handle.
b.Be responsive.
Be responsive to your team members as soon as possible. If someone asks a question, give the answers quickly. If you let them wait longer for you, they will build a bad image of you.
c.Get feedback.
Another way to increase your visibility is to get feedback on your work. Additionally, since you frequently need to ask for it specifically, it may be harder to obtain for remote workers. Ask for feedback often and early.
Before reading this blog, you may have wondered what the best work from home habits are. These habits have given good results to many remote workers.
I have only mentioned a few of the best work-from-home habits you should practice as a remote employee. However, having these habits help you to improve your physical & mental health & also enhance your personality & traits as a human.
As a company who has a remote working team, we encourage our team to practice the best work from home habits daily. However, if you need any digital marketing related service, our skilled team at DigiFix is more than happy to help you. Visit us by clicking this link – DigiFix
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