Creating a positive first impression with customers is vital for any business owner. When a customer reaches out to you via WhatsApp and doesn’t receive a timely response, it negatively impacts their overall customer experience.
Greeting messages help you make a positive first impression, even when contacted after hours.
WhatsApp Greeting messages help you make a positive first impression, even if your customers contact you outside of business hours.
In this blog, I will present some of the best WhatsApp Business Greeting message examples.
Also, don’t forget to check out our latest blog article on How to create a WhatsApp catalog effectively. WhatsApp Catalog is also a great feature presented by the WhatsApp Business platform. Click here to read the blog.

What is a WhatsApp Greeting Message?
A WhatsApp Business greeting message is an automatic message sent to someone who contacts you for the first time on WhatsApp Business. It’s a simple welcome message designed for customers, and you can create different greetings for various situations.
What is the difference between a greeting and an away message in WhatsApp?
Greeting Message: When customers contact you on WhatsApp for the first time, a greeting message welcomes them. It’s meant to show appreciation and make them feel valued. For example: “Hi, welcome to DigiFix! How can we assist you today?”
Away Message: An away message tells customers that you’re not available to reply to their messages at the moment. It informs them when they can expect a response or help. For instance: “Thanks for your message. We’re currently unavailable but will get back to you within 24 hours.”
General WhatsApp Business greeting message Examples:
- Hello and a warm welcome to [Your Business]! We’re thrilled to have you reach out to us, and we’re here to provide you with the best possible assistance. How can we assist you today?
- Hi there! Thank you for taking the time to contact us. Your message is important to us, and we’re excited to help. How can we be of service?
- Greetings from [Your Business]! We’re dedicated to assisting you in any way we can. What can we do for you today?
- Good day! We’re happy to welcome you to [Your Business]. Our team is here and ready to serve you. How may we assist you?
- Hi! It’s wonderful to hear from you. We’re here to make your experience with us as enjoyable as possible. How can we make your day better?
- Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. We’re committed to supporting you every step of the way. How can we support you today?
- Hi there! Welcome to [Your Business]. We’re excited to assist you with whatever you need. How can we assist you today?
- Greetings from [Your Business]! We’re dedicated to providing you with the assistance you need. How may we help you?
- Hello and welcome! We’re here to provide you with top-notch service. What can we do for you today?
- Hi! Your satisfaction is our priority. How can we make things easier for you?”
- Hello! We’re thrilled that you’ve contacted us. Our team is ready to assist you with anything you need. How can we help you today?
- Welcome to [Your Business]! We’re here to serve you. How may we assist you today?
- Greetings! Your experience matters to us, and we’re here to make it better. How can we enhance your experience?
- Hi there! Thank you for reaching out to us. We’re here to assist you in any way we can. How can we assist you?
- Hello! It’s our pleasure to serve you. How can we brighten your day today?
- Hi! We’re excited to have you here at [Your Business]. How may we assist you today?
- Greetings! Your satisfaction is important to us. How can we support you?
- Hello and welcome! We’re dedicated to improving your interaction with us. How can we make it better?
- Hi there! Thanks for contacting [Your Business]. We’re here to help. How can we assist you?
- Greetings from [Your Business]! We’re here to provide you with the best possible assistance. How can we serve you today?
Customer support WhatsApp greeting message examples:
- Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Your inquiry is important to us, and we’re operating to connect you with the right team member. Please expect a response within 24 hours.
- Hi there! We appreciate you contacting us. Our team is currently reviewing your message. Expect a reply within the next business day.
- Greetings! We have received your message. Our support team is currently analyzing your request and will respond promptly. Thank you for your patience.
- Hi! Thanks for getting in touch. We’re reviewing your query at the moment and will assign it to the relevant department. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.
- Hello! We’ve received your message and are working to provide you with the assistance you need. Please bear with us as we assign it to the proper team member.
- Hi there! Your inquiry is important to us. Our team is working diligently to address it promptly. Please expect a response within the next business day.
- Greetings from [Your Company]! Thank you for contacting us. Our support agents are reviewing your message and will respond within 24 hours.
- Hello! We appreciate your patience as we review your inquiry. Rest assured, we’ll assign it to the best-suited agent and respond within 24 hours.
- Hi! Your message has been received, and we’re on it! Our team is working to assign it to the right person for prompt assistance. Expect a reply soon.
- Hi there! We’ve received your message and are working to provide you with a solution. Please expect a response within the next business day. Thank you for reaching out.
Business update greeting messages for technical issues:
When facing a technical issue, it’s essential to inform customers that you’re aware of the problem and actively working to fix it. These are some WhatsApp Business greeting message examples to update about technical issues.
- Attention all customers! We’re experiencing technical difficulties with [specific service or product]. Rest assured, our team is actively working to resolve the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience.
- Dear valued customers! We’re aware of the ongoing technical issue affecting [specific service or product]. Our dedicated team is working to fix the problem as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
- Hello everyone! We regret to inform you that we’re facing technical issues with [specific service or product]. Our technical team is fully engaged in resolving the issue, and we appreciate your patience during this time. Thank you for your continued support.
- Dear customers! We’re experiencing technical difficulties with [specific service or product]. Our team is actively investigating the issue and working to restore the service as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
- Attention all users, we’re facing technical challenges with [specific service or product]. Our team is working diligently to address the issue and minimize any disruption to your experience. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
- Dear customers, we apologize for the inconvenience caused by the technical issues with [specific service or product]. Our team is aware of the situation and is working tirelessly to resolve it. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work towards a solution.
- Hello everyone, we’re encountering technical difficulties with [specific service or product]. Our team is actively investigating the issue and implementing the necessary fixes. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we resolve this matter.
- Attention all customers, we’re experiencing technical issues impacting [specific service or product]. Our technical team is aware and actively working on resolving the problem. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.
- Dear valued customers, we regret to inform you that we’re facing technical challenges with [specific service or product]. Our team is fully committed to resolving the issue promptly. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
- Hello everyone! We’re aware of the technical difficulties affecting [specific service or product]. Our team is diligently investigating the issue and working towards a resolution. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience and support.
Holiday WhatsApp Business greeting messages:
1.🎆 Hello! Wishing you a joyous Diwali filled with light and laughter.
Please note that we’re currently experiencing a high volume of orders due to the festive season. We appreciate your patience and will get back to you as soon as possible. 🕯️
2.🎄 Hi there! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones. May your days be merry and bright! Please be aware that we may experience slight delays in response times during this festive period.
Thank you for your understanding. 🎅
3.🦃 Greetings! Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at [Your Business]. We’re thankful for your continued support.
Please note that our response times may be delayed as we celebrate the holiday with our families. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 🍁
4.🎉 Hello! Wishing you a prosperous and joyful New Year ahead! As we celebrate the arrival of the new year, please be advised that our response times may be longer than usual.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. 🥂
5.🕎 Hi! Happy Hanukkah to you and your family! May the Festival of Lights bring you warmth and happiness.
Due to the holiday season, we may experience delays in responding to inquiries. We appreciate your understanding. 🕯️
7.🕌 Greetings and Happy Eid to all our customers celebrating! May this special day bring you peace and happiness.
Please be advised that our response times may be delayed during the holiday festivities. Thank you for your patience. 🌙
8.🐣 Hello! Happy Easter from [Your Business]! May your day be filled with joy and blessings.
Due to the holiday, we may experience delays in responding to messages. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 🐰
8.💘 Hi there! Wishing you a wonderful Valentine’s Day filled with love and happiness!
As we celebrate this romantic occasion, please note that our response times may be longer than usual. Thank you for your understanding. 💝
9.Greetings! Happy Independence Day to all our customers celebrating!
As we commemorate this special day, please be aware that our response times may be delayed. We appreciate your patience and support. 🎆
10.🏮 Hello! Happy Chinese New Year to those celebrating! May the Year of the Ox bring you prosperity and good fortune.
Due to the holiday, our response times may be delayed. Thank you for your understanding. 🐂
11.🌺 Hi! Wishing you and your family a blessed Ramadan! As we observe this holy month, please be advised that our response times may be longer than usual. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 🌙
12.🎨 Greetings and Happy Holi! May your life be as colorful and joyful as the festival of colors itself. Due to the holiday season, we may experience delays in responding to inquiries. Thank you for your understanding. 🎈
13.☘️ Hello! Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all our customers celebrating! May the luck of the Irish be with you!
Please note that our response times may be delayed as we join in the festivities. Thank you for your patience. 🍀
14.Hi there! Wishing you a Happy Bastille Day! As we celebrate this important day, please be aware that our response times may be longer than usual.
Thank you for your understanding and support. 🥖
15.🌸 Greetings! Happy Vesak Day to all our customers celebrating! May this auspicious day bring you peace and enlightenment.
Due to the holiday, our response times may be delayed. Thank you for your patience. 🙏
16.🍁 Hello! Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian customers! As we celebrate this special day, please be advised that our response times may be delayed. We appreciate your understanding and support.
17.Hi! Wishing you a Happy Independence Day to all our American customers! As we observe this important holiday, please be aware that our response times may be longer than usual. Thank you for your understanding. 🎇
18.Greetings and Happy Republic Day to all our Indian customers! As we celebrate this patriotic occasion, please note that our response times may be delayed. We appreciate your patience and support.
19.🐨 Hello! Happy Australia Day to all our Australian customers! As we celebrate this national holiday, please be advised that our response times may be longer than usual. Thank you for your understanding.
20.Hi there! Wishing you a Happy National Day to all our customers celebrating! As we honor this important day, please be aware that our response times may be delayed.
Thank you for your patience and support. 🎆
What are the Benefits of WhatsApp Business Greeting Messages?
Improved customer engagement: Greeting messages allow businesses to connect with customers in a personalized and interactive manner. By offering helpful information and options for interaction, businesses can foster stronger relationships with customers, leading to higher satisfaction.
Enhanced customer service: Greeting messages can provide customers with essential details about the business, such as operating hours, contact details, and available products or services. It helps customers quickly find the information they need, improving their overall experience.
Increased efficiency: Automated greeting messages streamline common customer inquiries and offer self-service options for routine requests. It saves time and resources for businesses, enabling staff to focus on addressing more complex customer issues and boosting productivity.
Consistent branding: Customizing greeting messages with the business’s branding ensures a uniform brand experience for customers across all channels, including WhatsApp. This consistency reinforces brand identity and strengthens brand recognition among customers.
We hope you can use these WhatsApp Business Greeting message examples for your business and build strong relationships with your customers.
Make sure to adjust these WhatsApp Business Greeting message examples according to your business and brand.
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