This blog post explains how to write a Google Review using a phone, laptop or computer, or Google Maps app.
Suppose you went to a restaurant & had a terrible experience there. The restaurant staff was rude to you, the food didn’t taste good & they were overpriced. Overall you had a terrible experience.
Did you think you need to share your experience with others who wish to visit that restaurant? Don’t worry Google Reviews is the best place to share your experience. This blog post explains how to write a Google Review for a business. Not only a negative review, but you can share positive reviews as well.
What are Google Reviews?
Google Reviews are online reviews people write about the experiences they had with the places they visited. Google reviews are linked to Google Maps, Google Search & Google business listings. Anyone can leave feedback, add images & share their experiences with others through Google Reviews. When you write many reviews, you have the ability to become a local guide.
If you are a business owner, Google Reviews are critical to you. When potential customers look for your business, you should have reviews on Google. About 86% of customers read online reviews before they hope to make a deal with a business.
A person can give a negative review or a positive review for a business. Business owners should continuously pay attention to Google Reviews to identify their loopholes & faults.
How to write a Google Review using Laptop or Computer
Following are the steps you need to follow when writing a Google review for a business.
1.Log into your Google Account

The first step to writing a Google review is to log in to your Google account. Open a webpage & click the Sign In button on the top-right corner. Then you have to enter your User name & password. Keep in mind that if you are not signed in, Google will ask you to sign in before writing the review.
You don’t need a Gmail address to write a review if you are signed in to your Google Account.
2.Search the business you need to review.
Once you Sign in to your Google account, the next step is to search for the business on Google you need to review. You can directly search the business name on Google search, or you can use Google Maps.

The above image shows the search results when I search for DigiFix. As you can see, on the right side you get the place where you can write a review. Here you have the ability to see the existing reviews as well. To see the existing reviews, click where the arrow shows in the below image.

3.Start to write the review.
When you click the link the arrow shows, in the previous step, you can see the review section. On the top, you can see the “Write a review” button. Then click write a review. Then you will get a review page like below.

Google Reviews has two parts: Star ratings & written reviews. When you want to leave a Google review, first you should give a star rating to that business. Many people 1st look at the star rating of a review.
Star rating should match your opinion of the business. There are 5 stars so 1 star means you don’t like the place & 5 stars mean you love the place.
After the star rating, it’s time to write a review. Here you should convey your honest opinion about a business, the experience you had & it should be useful.
Then click “Post” to publish your review.
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We as a leading digital marketing company in Melbourne provide a wide range of online marketing services for the growth of your business. SEO, web development, IT, PPC, workshops, cloud and infrastructure and more.
How to write a Google Review using Google Maps app:
You can use your android phone or tablet to write Google reviews. Do the following steps,
- Open the Google Maps app on your phone or tab.
- Search the business or place on the map.
- Tap the business’s name or address at the bottom.
- You will get the images of the place & under that, there are few options. Among them, tap the Reviews option.

- Then you can write your review. To give a star rating you can tap the stars. Under “Share more about your experience”, you can write your review.
- Then click “Post”
How to write a Google Review on Phone:
Rather than other smart devices, mobile phones are the device we use the most. At any time, there is a mobile phone with us. Since the mobile phone is what we use the most, it is important to know how to write a Google Review using your mobile phone.
Following are the steps to write a Google review on a phone,
- Sign in to your Google account.
- Open a search engine & search for the business you want to review.
- Business information box will appear & click the Reviews tab.
4.Click “Rate & Review”
- Give your star rating to the business. Then write your written review.
- Add photos if you have any.
- Click “Post”
This blog explained how to write a Google Review using your mobile phone, laptop or computer. As I have mentioned before, Google Review is a place where anyone can leave a review. But if you violate the guidelines, your review will be reported.
So, always try to share your honest opinion & not the things that harms other people. When you visit a local business, if you received a good service, always remember to leave a good review because it will help them a lot.
If you need any Digital Marketing related service, our team at DigiFix is more than happy to assist you. We have helped many companies to reach their next level with digital marketing solutions. Visit our website for more information.
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